Omera Establishment
This was the time of reconstruction in Italy, which left plenty of time for creativity and a get-it-done attitude. That year, five young people sharing the same idea decided to embark on a professional adventure to create a new company – OMERA – an acronym standing for Officina Meccanica E Riparazione Autocarri (Mechanical Workshop And Lorry Repairs). Their initial business activity was actually repairing and selling on the market vehicles left over from the Second World War.


The Production of Ironworkers and Punching Machines begins
As the years passed, OMERA became leader in the Italian market in the production of iron work machines with a serial production.
OMERA starts the Production of Trimming Beading Machines
In 1963 OMERA inaugurated the first site entirely dedicated to the production of Trimming Beading Machines. It was the beginning of an important batch production aimed at the international market demand.


The Mechanical and Hydraulic Presses
The 70s were fundamental years for the technical development of OMERA:
- in 1970 the design of mechanical presses began
- in 1977 the first Omera hydraulic press was installed
The Automatic Production Lines
In order to integrate the drawing process of the press with the trimming beading operations, OMERA began to install automatic production lines using conveyor belts, automations and dies.


OMERA becomes the Majority Shareholder of TIMAC
OMERA acquires the majority stake in TIMAC in order to integrate complementary products such as circular shears, special machine tools and automations into its portfolio.
OMERA acquires 50% Shares of MAWE
The name of this German company producing trimming beading machines became OMERA-MAWE. In this way, OMERA started operating in the German market with its own company selling its machines, offering technical assistance and supplying spare parts for all products of the Group.


OMERA acquired and integrated 100% of the PRESSE ROSS industrial activity. An investment in the know-how and commercial structure for the development of the mechanical press market.
OMERA Blue Philosophy
OMERA embraced an operating philosophy aimed at the energy efficiency of the production site and of the system produced, through:
- An energy autonomy achieved thanks to its photovoltaic system
- The enviroment preservation through the clean energy availament
- The production of machines with energy saving packages


OMERA celebrates 70 years
OMERA celebrates 70 years of business in the spirit of continuous innovation and successes experienced together with its customers. Thousands of hydraulic and mechanical presses, trimming beading machines and automatic lines produced and installed all over the world, as evidence of the quality and success of the company in its 70 years of life.
Omera continues its growth and announces the acquisition of the brand and of the movable and intangible assets of GIGANT, a historic Italian company specialized in the design and production of hydraulic presses for cold and hot forging.
With this operation, the Vicenza-based company strengthens its already significant presence as a technological hub in the machine tools field for sheet metal forming.