Event location

SHED, Lanificio Conte
SCHIO (VI), 36015

FORUM DEI MESTIERI, Schio (VI) 7 - 10.05.2019

mardi, 07 mai 2019 - vendredi, 10 mai 2019


FORUM DEI MESTIERI, Schio 7th - 10th May 2019

Last Tuesday, May the 7th 2019, a new edition of Forum dei Mestieri was inaugurated at the premises of the historic Conte woollen mill. The event promoted by the educational institutions of the area in cooperation with such associations as Confindustria, Confcommercio and Confartigianato, is mainly aimed at students attending the second year of the lower high school.

The innovative idea underlying this special event is to create an opportunity for teenagers to meet local productive businesses directly and in an experiential way. A possibility to make them “touch” the diverse local enterprises and compare different jobs, sectors and products helping them to make a more conscious choice of the upper high school.

OMERA, which has been engaged for years in the area of education, joining the project of work-based learning and hosting students of the local schools visiting its premises, attends the Forum dei Mestieri 2019 with an interactive stand where students can experience first-hand mechanical engineering, thus getting to the heart of the matter with great wonder and interest.

By taking part to this event unique of its kind, OMERA has demonstrated its willingness to continue to support the training of today’s younger generation who will take part to the working life of the future and has confirmed its BELIEF in continuous innovation both of its products and on a 360° view, even working together with other third parties for the implementation of innovative projects like the Forum dei Mestieri 2019.

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